Still figuring it out…

Still working out this blog thing. I spent quite a few hours yesterday trying, and failing, to get this page to appear on the web. Years ago, when I created and maintained webpages as a hobby, it was all so easy. When I started, a website, and all its pages, was like a fancy bulletin board; easy to update, pretty to look at, not so hard to do. A few years later, web sites started becoming interactive. I could make photos scroll, but then things got more fancy than I wanted to keep with learning about.

The past few years, I have come to enjoy journaling online. For this hike, I want to journal (aka blog) about my experiences on trail. My readers might enjoy hiking vicariously along side us, or might want to keep up with me and Charles in our day-to-day, or might might want to use our experience as a cautionary tale to scare little children. Whatever. Hopefully our blogging will be a source of entertainment for more than just us. For sure, it will be a record for ourselves, and we can re-live our adventures, the good, the bad, and everything in between.

So, this blog is really for us.

Anyhoo, back to me…It’s been a few years since I launched a web site. What I discovered is that some of my old favorites (Namesecure, I am pointing at you), where I have stashed donain names (yes, that’s a plural) for years, do not play well with newer tech (I’m looking at you, SquareSpace) for web hosting. Maybe that’s one reason I have many domain names, and until yesterday, had no active web sites.

Long story short (or is it even longer?), I “easily” got the website where both domain name and web hosting was at SquareSpace going. The other domain name (this one) could not point to the pretty web site I had (copied and pasted from my other site) made on SquareSpace. Lucky for me, the second tech guy at Namesecure, Marcel, was able to finagle all the deets into place for me. It challenged him, too, y’all, so that made me feel some better. And, unlike the first dude I spoke with, Marcel made me feel confident that he knew and understood the exact issue I was having. In the end, very good customer service, Namesecure!

What’s my goal here?

I am working to streamline things for my future self! This blog thing should not be a labor at the end of the day. I hope it will be something I look forward to so I can document memories and experiences of this fantastic trek.